Turning Interest Into Action
Here at Wishes For Warriors Corp, we are more than just a charity. We’re committed to providing incredible experiences and resources in order to further achieve our mission an impact veteran lives. Since 2014, we’ve been supporting our combat wounded members in a variety of ways and measuring our success not by monetary size, but by more qualitative measurements such as the scale and effectiveness of our efforts and programs offered. Just imagine what we can achieve together!

Wishes For Warriors Corp

You Can Help Us Make a Difference.
Regardless of size and amount..YOU can make a difference. We are always looking for new ideas to provide our veterans. It isn't always about money..we are always looking for fundraisers, flyer miles, clothing, and much more! You can help!

The man and reason behind the cause
The man and the reason behind Wishes For Warriors,
PFC Luis Perez, my best friend. Just kids, we decided to take the oath and serve our country at the same time.
This was the last time I would ever see him again.
He died without ever knowing the love of a child,
the touch of a beautiful woman or the feeling of living.
I vowed to make sure every veteran returning from war, knew that they returned for a reason.
To fall means you stood for something. These men and women stood and fell for YOU and I. Never forget.
Never forgotten. Til Valhalla brother...
- Bam
Accomplishments since Inception
Started from the corner of President Bryan Marshall's house, WFW has remained salary free, volunteer operated and grass roots. Providing authentic family values to the organization & cause. Every year we learn something new and adjust to our growth. Here are just a few things we are proud of...

"It ain't easy...but it's worth it"
Philanthropy isn't easy. Especially when you are working straight from the heart and never expecting anything in return. Running a small corporation has its difficulties but that doesn't mean it's less rewarding. That means, every...single...dollar counts. We are proud to be recognized as Platinum Member with Guidestar.org

Your Dollar Matters...More Than You Know
We don't just care. We do something about it. Transparency is not only important to the cause financially, but it is crucial when building a relationship with donors, supporters, sponsors and most of all...veterans in need. We are proud to keep our costs and overhead as low as possible to maximize the return to our veterans and their programs.
“Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do”
Committed to the Cause
These are the "bleeding hearts" of the cause. Each member volunteers their time and heart and firmly believe in the mission and our veterans quality of life.

Our OG "bleeding heart". The Founder and President of WFW. This was only but a wish five years ago, until he brought his passion to life. As a combat veteran himself, he saw the need for change in the community. He is our leader and heart of the cause.

With us since our founding, Brittney is one of our OG team members. As Vice President / Operations, she brings vision and experience to the forefront in helping our organization grow and succeed. She is the "mama bear" of the cause.

One of our OG team members, Sabine has been part of us since the beginning. From donor to Director of Sponsorship, Sabine has made it her mission to impact lives and influence others to be part of the mission as well. She is our lifeline of the cause.

Combat wounded US Marine, Dom Davila, was literally the 3rd vet WFW helped back in 2014! Dom makes a statement in the veteran community by proving no excuses mentality in adaptive sports. Dom is so passionate about getting veterans, out of the house, and out doing extreme and exciting things. He currently runs our newest RTC program and has fun doing it.

Former US Army, Mike "Mikey" Krampitz, was one of WFW original vets. Mikey had his first wish granted back in 2014 with his first turkey hunt and since then has been dedicated and determined to help veterans, like himself, find purpose and passion. As new program director, Mikey is excited to share his experience with others.

Prior USMC and Triple Amputee, Erik Galvan, has been with us since the beginning. As one of our original veteran, Erik is "America's Sweetheart" and member of our board He provides insight for our combat wounded and is nothing short of an inspiration to us all.

Dedicated, trustworthy, fun. These are just a few words to describe prior USMC Dave Woodruff. Another one of our OG veterans, Dave has escorted multiple veterans on their trips and adventures earning him one of the best roadtrip buddies ever.

Determined and motivated, US Army soldier Mike started as a participant in the program back in 2016. Mike has a huge passion for helping his fellow vets. With his huge heart and as an Idaho native, Mike became the perfect fit for growing our events and resources for veterans here in Idaho. As Idaho Fundraising Director, Mike is a valuable member of the team
Mailing Address: 2881 S Teddy Ave
Meridian ID 83642
Phone: 855-W4W-HERO (949-4376)